I just wanted to update you on some bears that were admitted into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre at PAWS.
They're so cute and uber sweet. I love bears. <3
Anyways, so there's a total of four cubs.
The first two are brother and sister and their mom was hit by a car on the highway in Washington State. :( Both cubs are okay though, so that's good.

The third bear is a girl, who's mother was shot by a hunter. Her sibling fled and couldn't be found, but this bear was found clinging to her mother. Isn't that sad? She had swelling on the left side of her head, her snout and in her throat and some broken teeth. Fortunately, her teeth weren't her adult teeth so those should heal nicely. But the swelling worsened and both sides of her head were swollen --> Picture. Fortunately, a few days later, she was feeling much better. I feel so bad for these cubs, it's just so sad for them to be orphaned due to human stupidity. I wish there was something I can do to help. Please, if you can, donate some money. To any charity really... I just feel so bad. It almost makes me wanna cry. They're so young, and depend on their mothers for survival. A lot of orphans go unfound and need to survive on their own. And, usually, they can't because they don't know how. Have you ever seen an orphaned bear in real life? It's a really sad scene to witness. They're just there, calling out to a mother that will never come back. Okay, now I'm tearing up. It's just that sad. I know that I can't bear it. How can the people who kill the mothers?

Orphaned bears, I'm with you in spirit and I love you. <3
The world is in danger, we need to be its superheroes.