Sorry, but I'm really really behind on my blogging and PETA posts like every 10 minutes so I'm going to jumble up all the PETA stuff (majority of my behindness) into ONE BIG BLOG.
Now, I'm summarizing, and to make life easy for me, please subscribe to the PETA blog (!!! It's great and it's more detailed and frequent than I am. Especially since I'm trying to become less of a computer addict at the moment. :) Saving energy.
ANYWAYS, let the PETA-ness begin.
Recent videos/ Star supporters:
Whose Skin Are You In?
Anti Circus Ad
Gillian Anderson
Go Veg! (Number of different stars)
Meat is Murder (Absolutely adorable. Kid, I support you.)
Employee tells all.
Sniff That! (Spay & Neuter!)
KFC Horror Trailer
Skins Trade
Carrie Ann Inaba (Dancing w/ the Stars judge)
Some cool facts:
New book called One Can Make A Difference, pretty self explanatory
It turns out that 2/3 of Americans would rather be stranded on a desrt island with their animal companion than their human partner.
Tzipi Livni, potentially the next prime minister of Israel, is a vegetarian.
A new human study shows that the flavonoids in a small square of dark (not milk!) chocolate each day can protect you from heart disease. Yay for vegans. :)
New life style called PETA Prime.
Success Stories:
Ringling Bros has cancelled numerous shows because of low ticket sales. Good job guys! :D
PETA was in the Long Island Business News for their anti-KFC ness.
Alternate shopping. :) (One of my personal favourite links)
Animal Friendly food.
Some people buy leather or fur coats, then realize the horrors of exoctic skins. How can you undo your moral no-no? Donate it to charity. :) There's a new charity that PETA is working with that gives the coats to people who need them, like the people of Lesotho, Africa! For all you people who don't know, those are mountains and it tends to be extremely cold. By helping this charity, you're ridding yourself of the skin of another animal and helping a great cause. :)
-SixFlags is offering live bugs for people to eat! Not only is it cruel, but who wants to eat live bugs?!
-The Times of India has recently stated in an article that the blackmarket leather trade is paying for terrorism. Just another reason not to wear skin.
-A dog was killed due to heat stroke, and now the death is being re-enacted to try and prove something stupid.
-Armani breaks his word and dresses babies up in rabbits. PETA sent a letter to Tom and Katie, has this hilarious poster from PETA Europe (kudos), and has gained numerous celeb supporters (Gillain Anderson!). They have a video and a pledge (see below).
-This supposedly animal friendly organization has been mercilessly killing animals!
-A healthy dog underwent an experimental treatment that implanted her heart into her neck was recently found dead. She'd been allowed to eat hay and it blocked her airways, as it will for all dogs. (Don't let your pets eat hay unless theyre horses!) PETA filed a complaint and are asking for an immediate investigation.
-Somehow, a lot of people think that animal cruelty is art. But, it's not. One example is an artist that was starving dogs. Another, more recent example, is an artist who is tattooing pigs! Now, their skins are more sensitive than ours so you can imagine how much that would hurt them!
A PETA intern changes her name to and she is making a statement about dissection in our schools!PETA had a very smart mouse drive a van to Lowe's - the only place where they still use glue mice traps. They deprive the mouse of food and water, giving them a slow and painful death rather than something quick and neck-breaking or you know, the option of life?
Sir Paul McCartney has called a worldwide boycott against McDonalds. Other than them being absolutely horrible for the environment and having horrible meals, they're really down on their luck lately. Do I feel bad for them? Not one bit. Serves them damn right.
Cutest campaign in the world, the Sea Kittens. Absolutely adorable and the greatest message. :D I've gotta say that I'm very proud of this campaign even though I had nothing to do with it.
PETA is attacking the Olsen twins and the fact that they were pelts. Well, they shouldn't be wearing them! Animals are electrified anally and vaginally, gassed or skin alived to get their furs! They are now called the Trollsen twins and you can get Halloween masks! I know what I'm being. :) You can also send them a letter.
I've also read a lot about PETA Asia and PETA Pacific lately, with some really cool displays like BBQ'd human. If you think about it, what difference is there between eating meat and cannibalism? NEWS FLASH: There is none! And there's been a lot of success with the lettuce ladies. :) Good job girls. (Thumbs up)
PETA'S new mobile Animal Birth Control Clinic starred in a huge parade in Virginia's Annual Peanut Festival. :) They spread the word about the importance of spaying and neutering your pets!
October is cut out dissection month. :)
Pledges, Letters, Et Cetera:
Petition against the Indian Leather Trade
Letter; Re: Rage against dog death reenactment!
Pledge to go fur free. :)
Letter; Re: Trollsen Twins
POLITE Letter; Re: Dead Dog, Allowed to Eat Hay
Letter: Urge Zappos to stop selling fur!
Chance to win cruelty free Halloween makeup. :)
K, I've been working at this for like 2 hours now... So, I'm going to take a break and hopefully start again Saturday afternoon on some eco stuff. Thanks for reading. :)
Btw, check out the previous blog for a hilarious Sarah Palin parody. :)
The world is in danger, we need to be its superheroes.
Events & Volunteers
Donations can be made to a numerous number of different charities which can always use the money. If you would like to donate, then please donate to a cause that interests you. Be sure to check out websites before donating!
Events & Volunteers
Donations can be made to a numerous number of different charities which can always use the money. If you would like to donate, then please donate to a cause that interests you. Be sure to check out websites before donating!
Oct 11, 2008
PETA Posts Put Together
Posted by Prudence at 2:13 AM