So, once again, summarized.
Caption: Yale Murders Monkeys.
Explanation: To be more specific, Yale imprisons more than 160 monkeys in tiny cages, mutilates them, injects them with poison, forces drug addiction on them, and eventually kills the animals as part of the experiments. Some of the experiments include injecting toxin into their brains so they can’t walk, move or eat, and it addicts them to PCP to induce schizophrenia. They also get them hooked on nicotine, by giving them the equivalent of smoking 17 packs of cigarettes per day. They also take pregnant monkeys, cut out the fetuses and disect their brains. Please, help stop it! Write a letter today!
Good news! Juicy Couture has announced that they will be going fur-free. :D
PETA Germany has these REALLY REALLY cool new anti-zoo, anti-circus ads. They are so amazing. They SCREAM exotic animals should be free! The models are painted and they're all MTV and VIVA hosts from Germany. Cool, no? Three of my faves shown below. (Btw, my science class is required to go to the zoo. You can guarantee I'm going to do something about it!)

Btw, I will try to translate them. Something about wild animals being born free? I think?

That last one is a snake. It too me a while to get it, so just clarifying. The animals in the zoo are really this bored and this trapped! It's horrible. For anybody reading this, anyone have any ideas? We have to go to the zoo to get a mark, so I have to go. But I want to protest while I'm there, maybe bring a petition? Yeah... Guarantee a blog on it. Sorry I've been behind lately. I will try to post more regularly. Promise.
There's some pretty cool PETA demonstrations. There's too many to post them all, but they're really cool.
Check out the hilarious Carrot Politics Parody. "It has been a long, hard road to the Greenhouse for Broccoli Obama and Dijon McCain, but at the last minute, "a new hope" has emerged! Watch PETA's latest video to learn more about the dark-horse candidate who is deeply rooted in American politics. "
Hilarious & a good point. :)
A horrible video exposing the true horrors that chickens go through regularly. Do not watch if you're weak of heart. Watch if you don't want to because you'll feel guilty after. THATS BECAUSE YOU SHOULD!!
Final PETA Story.
Quite tragic.

Dorothy the chimpanzee died peacefully on October 15th, 2008. She died at the In Defense of Animals (IDA)'s center for rescued chimps. She had survived 25 - 40 years of captivity and exploitation in a daily amusement park. She touched many people's lives and was a success story for all ages. Staff members held a funeral service for her, to honour and remember her. Dorothy was buried beside the enclosure she had called home, near the tomb of her friend Becky. Dorothy, rest in peace. We love you.
The world is in danger, we need to be its superheroes.