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Sep 18, 2009

Earth Days

I've been working on posting some blogs recently, but I want to post a few mega-blogs so those will be coming!
I'm currently waiting for my delicious vegan fries to be ready, so I thought I'd write a blog about the new documentary, Earth Days.

It's about the revolution of environmental activism, starting in the 1970s. The movie "gives an absorbing overview of how the green movement got started, and why it ended up where it is today." So, it basically shows how the green movement got started, who developped and influenced it, different struggles and challenges that the environmentalists have overcome and finally, where it is today and what challenges we need to overcome.

I haven't seen the movie but I definitely will try.
I'm just going to insert some quotes from the article that I read.

"Earth Days chronicles how groundbreaking, controversial writings like Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book The Population Bomb, which inspired Stephanie Mills’ famous commencement address “The Future Is a Cruel Hoax,” put environmental issues in the mainstream public’s consciousness."

"But Earth Days’ portrayal of the past left me with a dark view of the future. It gave me the sense that because the leaders of previous generations wimped out, the planet’s been desecrated past the point of salvation. As mentioned in the film, we’re going the way of the Maya, the ancient Egyptians, and other civilizations that taxed their resources to the point of societal collapse—except this time, ours is a global civilization that’s killing itself, and taking the whole world with it."

The world is in danger, we need to be its superheroes.